Animal Abuse Videos

Animal Abuse Videos

Is Scaring animals considered as animal abuse?

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1. Is Scaring animals considered as animal abuse?


At some point, It can be


It is because once you scare that animal they will also be threatened just like us, because if we are threatened, there is a possibility that will be traumatized or the things that will be afraid of already.

2. why is animal consumption not apart of animal abuse​


Animal cruelty encompasses a range of behaviors harmful to animals, from neglect to malicious killing. Most cruelty investigated by humane officers is unintentional neglect that can be resolved through education.

Intentional cruelty can run the gamut from knowingly depriving an animal of food, water, shelter, socialization or veterinary care to maliciously torturing, maiming, mutilating or killing an animal. ok!!


3. animal abuse tagalog

Pag-aabuso sa mga hayop

4. advocate animals that has been abused, write it as an essay.​


tell me how the F do i write advicate animals that has been abused as an essay OT JUST DON'T F MAKE SENSE

5. PERFORMANCE TASK: Presents an argumentative essay on animal protection against neglect or abuse. (50 pts.)​


Ako din po please


6. Create an advocacy video about drug abuse and its effect on the body.​


Gawa po kayo video, ito pp script

drug use and buse has many effects on our body, it's are

Seizures, stroke, mental confusion and brain damage. Lung disease. Problems with memory, attention and decision-making, which make daily living more difficult. Global effects of drugs on the body, such as breast development in men and increases in body temperature, which can lead to other health problems.

so as a student, i can use my voice my giving my own views and opinions to other to stop drug use and abuse


mark me as

7. is animal consumption considered animal abuse? Why? Why not​


its 50/50


because some animals are breed to be consujmed lika cows, chickens but some like dogs ,snakes , etc are not to be eaten      pa brainliest nalang po

8. what will happen if animal abuse law was implemented?​English gle to


Misdemeanor animal abuse is punishable by custody in county jail for up to one year. Felony animal abuse is punishable by custody in state prison for up to three years.

9. sang ayon ka ba sa Animal Abuse ?​

Answer: Oo naman

Explanation: Sapagkat ang mga hayop ay hindi kailangan na saktan o pagmalupitan sila ay hayop na may buhay kagaya nating mga tao may karapatan den sila mabuhay sa mundo.Salamat.

10. where does ethics in research stand in term to animal abuse?​



hope this helps

11. should government provide stricter law to catch offenders of animal abuse? why and why not?​


Yes, because we need treat animals like how we want to be treated.Stricter animal abuse law is needed to stop there bad activities.


Hope it helps.Ty

12. give me some reason why animal abuse should be stoppedexplain your answer ​


animal abused should be stop cause

the echosistem isnt balance by humans

and animals


we need to take care of our animals and echosistem:)


Animal cruelty can take many different forms, as you’ll discover below, but the impact is always the same. A sentient animal capable of love and creating social relationships experience pain, fear, and desperation. And it needs to stop.

We live in a world that not only turns a blind eye to animal cruelty but condones it — whether through indifference or legislation. It’s legal to raise chickens in deplorable conditions for the sole purpose of slaughtering them later. If that isn’t animal cruelty, then what is?

The problem is that there aren’t enough people fighting for animal rights. If everyone started to look at animals — and not just dogs and cats — as fellow animals who share our planet, we would see far fewer cases of cruelty toward animals.


hope it helps

13. How can you share your concern about the abusive treatment of animals?


Well, you could join a group that protests against animal cruelty. You could also volunteer at an animal shelter.

Hope this helps!

14. why is animal abuse a problem??



15. Do animals abuse their children?

Yes. Some animals occasionally show abusive behavior, like child abuse, or child abandonment due to stress or limited resources. In some cases cannibalism of the killed infants is observed.

hope it helps..

God bless

16. Make a slogan about animal abuse center and why it's useful​


Don't act blindly, treat us kindly. Don't be a loser, stop the abuser. Don't be bitter, save the critters. Don't breed or buy, while shelter animals die

pa brienliest naman po at pa fallow na din thks for the points

17. Create a long persuasive speech about animal abuse ​


Animals are being abused everyday and they are not taken into consideration when you see them being abused. They are suffering and they are being abused everyday and you all need to stop it. Animal cruelty is not something that just goes away the person doing it will keep doing it until someone stops them. Everyone needs to stop animal abuse and if everyone starts to make a difference others will to. Animals need help with this and everyone needs to help them. Animals all over the world are being abused every single day most of them will not make it to see tomorrow or have the love of a family they desire. Animals are not just objects used for your entertainment or for your sports but they are meant to either be wild or to be loved by a family who will not abuse them. You should not abuse them or abandoned them to fend for themselves when all they need is a little bit of love to make them happy. There are many sports that use particularly dogs and most of them are called dog fights which are used for your entertainment and they abuse the dogs to make them fear humans and other dogs. Dogs should not be afraid of other dogs but they should be able to cooperate with each other and have a family that will not abuse them and make the fight. These animals should be taken to animal shelters and taken away from the people who beat them and make them fight. If you ever see a dog walking on the side of the road and it looks like its malnurited then you should do it a favor and take

18. How to stop humanitys to follow up with her animal abuse​


protons, neutrons and electrons

19. give me some reason why animal abuse should be stoppedexplain your answer ​


Animal cruelty can take many different forms, as you’ll discover below, but the impact is always the same. A sentient animal capable of love and creating social relationships experience pain, fear, and desperation. And it needs to stop.


Pede tagalog(kaylangan ito itigil)


Bakit? dahil SILA ay normal na Likha lamang ng Ating panginoon, WALA SILA kalabanlaban

20. Abusing animals is like?


Abusing God's creation


Because we are part of God's creation including animals, plants, etc.

abusing an animal is a bad thing. when you hurt animals you can be imprisoned or even killed when you are bitten by it when you shoot a bird you can be charged and imprisoned for many years. animals are the wrong thing to do and it is not good because when it hurts and you bite the rabies spreads all over the body and you can lose your life or you go crazy and we should not hurt them because there is also emotion they are animals like our friends like dogs and cats so we should give them value and love as their boss.

21. According to the video, why are human rights oftentimes abused and ignored?

Answer:Because sometimes people can bring negative effects.


22. Different kinds of animal abuse

Types of animal abuse


23. How you can spread awareness, and give prevention of abuse on endangered animals?​


We can spread awareness about endangered animals by using the most common media platform almost all of us have, Face book. Through it we can share information about the list of endangered animals and some trivia about it. A fund or campaign can also be established as to how these animals can be keep and how to help them reproduce to increase their count.


1. You can support an organization that fights to save endangered animals.

2. Dispose your waste properly.

3. Volunteer to animal shelter.

4. Clear your surroundings.

5. Do not use toxic herbicides or pesticides because it can kill them.

24. negative consequences of animal abusehomeroom guidance po yan​


negative consequences


im nit sure if that was correct

Research finds a clear and compelling link between animal abuse and other violent acts. Animal abuse does not only hurt animals; it affects our entire community.

Animal abuse has a strong connection to domestic violence. Victim’s dogs and cats are often used by abusers as pawns to manipulate and control them. In an abusive home, a companion animal may serve as a lone confidant for an abused woman or child and, by abusing the animal, an abuser takes advantage of the victim’s concern for his or her animal.

25. is it still animal abuse if you kill rats or ants?​




cuz,if you killed any animals even lion,rats or any will have

go to prison...

yes because animals also have the right to live and it also has the right to be cared for because it also helps us.

26. why do animal abuse has to stop​


Common sense, animals have feelings too.

27. abusive treatment of animals possible result​




kay pareha mo og nawong niya

28. methodology chapter 3 of The effect of animal abuse to the mentalDesignSetting Respondent Method ​


Method po


pa brainleast Po thanks

29. How to prevent animal abuse?


by maybe controlling the population (?) or to prevent animals walking around outside like cats and dogs so they don't get abused by any one (?)

30. in what way is the animal is being abused​

It can be trough physical abuse

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