Positive Ion Watch

Positive Ion Watch

B.a +ion (positive ion, one with extra positive charge)?

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1. B.a +ion (positive ion, one with extra positive charge)?


The Positive Charge Is Real Charge Like Cellphone Or Social Media And The all User Like Social Media Beacuse You Can See More Funny Sad Happy Angry Or More

2. What causes an ionic bond? A. A positive ion is attracted to a negative ion. B. A positive ion is attracted to a positive ion. C. Two ions share electrons. D. Two atoms share electrons

D. Two atoms share electrons.

3. An ion that loses an electrons and become a positive ion​


An atom that loses one or more valence electrons to become a positively charged ion is known as a cation, while an atom that gains electrons and becomes negatively charged is known as an anion.


Ant atoms can't atoms and can't atoms

4. 4. A positively charged ion?​



A positively charged ion?








Cation is a positively charged ion, i.e. one that would be attracted to the cathode in electrolysis.




A positively charged ion?


A Cation is an ion postive charges Cation is formed when an atom loses one or more electrons


5. It is a positively charged ion.​


Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions, anions.

6. positive changed ions​


Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions, anions.

7. 1. Elements on the left side of the periodic table will most likely form_______ Negative ions Neutral ions Positive ions Polyatomic ions

If you look at the periodic table, you might notice that elements on the left side usually become positively charged ions (cations) and elements on the right side get a negative charge (anions). That trend means that the left side has a positive valence and the right side has a negative valence.

8. What are the effects of an overdose of positive ions and negative ions in the body?​


Elevated negative air ion levels are believed to have beneficial effects on humans including enhanced feeling of relaxation, reduced tiredness, stress levels, irritability depression and tenseness. Enhanced positive ion levels are also reported to have deleterious effect.

9. How are positive ions formed? How are negative ions formed?​


Ions form when atoms gain or lose electrons. Since electrons are negatively charged, an atom that loses one or more electrons will become positively charged; an atom that gains one or more electrons becomes negatively charged. ... The metals form positively-charged ions and the non-metals form negatively-charged ions.


Positive ions are formed by atoms or molecules suffering an inelastic collision with an energetic electron in which an electron is lost from the atom or molecule (electron impact ionization). ... In electron attachment ionization, Negative ions are formed by electron attachment in the gas.

10. a positive ion called a is produced

Answer: cation


11. positively charged ion


positively charged ion



12. positively charged ions


Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions, anions.


Positively charged ions are called cations while negatively charged ions are called anions

13. positively charged ion

need ko lang po points sorry po


positively charged ion


Positively charged ions are called Cations.

14. The positively charged ions are called __________​​

Answer :

The positively charged ions are called _____

CationsCations are positively charged ions. They are formed when a metal loses its electrons.When an ions charge is negative, it's more specifically called an anion, and when it's positive, you can use the term cation.

Keep Learning! =)


15. ion bond is it positive or negativeion bandit is positive or negative ​


Ionic bonding is a type of chemical bonding that involves the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions, or between two atoms with sharply different electronegativities, and is the primary interaction occurring in ionic compounds.


The strength of the ionic bond is directly dependent upon the quantity of the charges and inversely dependent on the distance between the charged particles. A cation with a 2+ charge will make a stronger ionic bond than a cation with a 1+ charge.

formula unit

The smallest unit of an ionic bond is the formula unit, which is the smallest ratio of atoms in the ionic crystal structure.

Ionic bonds involve a cation and an anion. The bond is formed when an atom, typically a metal, loses an electron or electrons, and becomes a positive ion, or cation. Another atom, typically a non-metal, is able to acquire the electron(s) to become a negative ion, or anion.



yeah his rigth man

16. 11. Metal atoms formions, while non-metal atoms formions.a. positive, positive b. positive, negativec. negative, positived. negative, negative​


B metal atoms form ions positively

non-metal atoms form ions negatively

17. A positive ion called a?

Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions, anions.

18. a position ion is called​


ah movement ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎

19. Compare the concentration of positive ions and negative ions in the atmosphere and on the ground.


To put it simply, positive ions are molecules that have lost one or more electrons whereas negative ions are actually oxygen atoms with extra-negatively-charged electrons. ... Negative ions are present in the air we breathe in and they are also present in our bodies.

20. are positively charge ion​


A positively charged ion is known as the cation.


When we say ion, it is a particular sort of atom that gains electron (anion or negatively charged ion) or loses electron (known as cation or positively charged ion).

Ions are formed when an atom loses or gains electron, it will become either anion - or cation +


21. A liquid is considered an acid if it has a lot of ______ A. Positive Ions B. Helium Ions C. Hydrogen Ions D. Hydroxide Ions

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C. Hydrogen ions

22. 23. How do metal atoms form ions?a. They lose electrons to form positive ions.b. They lose electrons to form negative ions.C. They gain electrons to form positive ions.d. They both lose and gain electron to form ions.​


Metal atoms lose the electron, or electrons, in their highest energy level and become positively charged ions. Non-metal atoms gain an electron, or electrons, to become negatively charged ions.


pwede na ba

23. what are the effects of an overdose of positive ions and negative ions in the body​


Elevated negative air ion levels are believed to have beneficial effects on humans including enhanced feeling of relaxation, reduced tiredness, stress levels, irritability depression and tenseness. Enhanced positive ion levels are also reported to have deleterious effect.

24. 14. How do metal atoms form ions?a. They lose electrons to form negative ions.b. They lose electrons to form positive ions.c. They gain electrons to form positive ions.d. They gain electrons to form negative ions.​




ayan po sagot ko sa module o

25. what are the effects of an overdose of positive ions and negative ions in the body?​


Elevated negative air ion levels are believed to have beneficial effects on humans including enhanced feeling of relaxation, reduced tiredness, stress levels, irritability depression and tenseness. Enhanced positive ion levels are also reported to have deleterious effect.

26. positively changed ions


Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions, anions.

27. the_____always from positive ions.​



the alikil metal always from positive ions


28. positively charged ions


positively charged ions


Positively charged ions are called cation.

29. how an atom becomes a positive ion and a negative ion​

A positive ion (cation) is formed by removing electron(s) from an atom or group of atoms until there are fewer electrons than protons. A negative ion (anion) is formed when an atom or group of atoms gains electron(s) until there are more electrons than protons.

30. An ionic bond occurs between what particles? a positive and negative ion two positive ions two negative ions two neutral atoms

An ionic bond occurs between a positive and negative ion (Metal and nonmetal).

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